This whole FLAP over the Miers Supreme Court nomination is disgusting. I say let her be a
lightning-rod for revealing the true colors of the Ideologues in Congress and the DC arena...
oOo oOo
I'm a Dem who watches the performance of what people Really DO, not what they hype. I applaud Pres. Bush for this nomination, for although he may not always make good decisions, he shows that he will not Cow-Tow to some of these rabid narrow-minded politicos.
Like this statement: from Sen. [Kansas] Sam Brownback, who will meet with Miers on Thursday. "Not much track record, people vouching for her, yet indications of a
different thought pattern earlier in life." oOo oOo
Whoa, now That's a Problem!!
oOo oOo
Shame on anyone for thinking differently sometime in their life!! oOo oOo
No matter which side of the aisle- Trent Lott, William Kristol, as well as Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, et. al and pundits like George Will show what they really are-- not so caring about
Truth, Justice and the American Way as they are about
propagating pet political agendas and
putrid fallacious Ideologies (of any stripe!).
And these Bloggers, they're no better [ cited by Orin Kerr,
October 3, 2005 at 12:28pm "Reactions from the Conservative Blogosphere: A few excerpts" ] . . . give me a break!
Get lost Creeps! The whole lot of you needs to
run off the mountain into the lake.
oOo oOo
[ There is one guy whose commentary I've seen that I like: Stingray: a salty blog ]
Labels: fools, politics, truth