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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Exploding Toads ~~ Shocking Horrorrr!!

Sacre bleu! terrible!!

Exploding toads baffle experts. First reported 24/04/2005 -- [Australia] ABC News Online

oOo oOo Hundreds of toads have met an unexplained explosive demise in Germany in recent days. According to reports from animal welfare workers and veterinarians as many as a thousand of the amphibians have perished after their bodies swelled to bursting point and their entrails were propelled for up to a metre. [vertically, one presumes] oOo oOo

TOADMEISTERS UNITE!! What shalle we do! all ye Toad princes! ex-frogs, not-yet-kissed-by-the-most-beautiful-damsel-in-distress-- grogsters, Green Party members, wartsters and Francophiles!? I myself am utterly appalled, not just from a scientific view, but as I am known (in certain cosmopolitan circles) as Dr. Toadnips, his excellency! oOo oOo

"I have never seen such a thing," said veterinarian Otto.

"I have, once" responded Mole despondently, "but only during the Great War in a fist-to-cuffs, ( and in the Normany trenches mind you.) Or was it Burgundy? I can never quite hold my wine right, you know. . ." said he, trailing off.

"Buffoons!" croaked Weasel gruffly. And he muttered away, "well I never!" and "just pass me the Fries, anyway."

I CALL UPON THE WORLD-UNITED FRONT OF ALL WARThogs, WARTBurgundians, sWARTHy MALES and SWARThmore College ALUMS to DESPERATELY UNITE IN THIS CAUSE OF VENGENCE for the imperial rights to LIVING TOAD BELCHING that is being this very hour STIFLED in the nether regions of the World.

** BE FOREWARNED O TOADYS--- it could happen wherever YOU are too! **

[ Methinks all toads should lay-off the Taco Bellow spicy chicken burritows for now and lay-low on the Pilsen, Pilsner or Grokster Grog. . . ] oOo oOo

Toad-Note: The American Federation of Toadmeisters, Anon. [AFO-TOADA] is not responsible oOo oOo for the content of this or any other email, and anything that is said in this secret torture chamber article does not necessarily reflect the ABC's oOo [ or anyone else's ] views.
oOo oOo


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(WeirdNess)  oOo  oOo   (TruthNess)     oOo   oOo  

   oOo (a little FoOoLishNess)   oOo   oOo   < ><   oOo  oOo

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Inject a Few Raisins!

OK folks, let's give this another try. oOo (below is my first quote to start it off)

Quote-ster Meme

"Inject a few Raisins of conversation into the tasteless Dough of Existence."
-- O. Henry

Here's the deal-- if you like discovering quotes by various and nefarious people, I'll start a thread and then you pass it on by adding a new quote (with author ref. if at all poss.) that interlocks with any word / phrase / or concept in the previous one. Highlight or underline the connective link somehow and pass it on. Of course let me know when you do, or leave your addition here in comments. If you want to bounce the "quote-string" back to me every so often, I'll add the quotes to my collection and keep it going. Multiple bounces are excellent between players!

"Nothing like a little TV to make you realize you're not doing anything." -- John Higgins

"Time flies when you don't know what you're doing." --off a bumper sticker


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(WeirdNess)  oOo  oOo   (TruthNess)     oOo   oOo  

   oOo (a little FoOoLishNess)   oOo   oOo   < ><   oOo  oOo

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Seems Bobby Fischer is still the Buzz (Yahoo)

Fischer's Final Move? Tuesday March 29, 2005 1:00PM PT

oOo oOo Every competitive endeavor needs a nut oOo -- someone who annoys all but the most patient fan with his ill-advised boasts. Someone who, for better or worse, can take a stale sport or musty game and shake it up. Chess legend Bobby Fischer (Buzz Up+372%) is such a beast. oOo

oOo oOo The love-to-hate-him former champion managed to dodge jail time in the States by immigrating to Iceland [ala Clinton's cold Canadian contravention!?], oOo oOo site of Bobby's greatest triumph way back in good old 1972.

Long since retired, [ What do old game-players DO once they no longer gamster all the time? ] oOo the bearded wonder's anti-Semitic ravings against the United States government have sparked search interest.

Also retired, speaking out against politicians is Russia's Garry Kasparov, who once took on IBM's Deep Blue in a man vs. machine chess match for the ages. . . oOo oOo

Meanwhile, searches on chess made a more guarded advance, up only 4%. [ WhoOoaH ! ]

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(WeirdNess)  oOo  oOo   (TruthNess)     oOo   oOo  

   oOo (a little FoOoLishNess)   oOo   oOo   < ><   oOo  oOo