More Bread Dangers-- At Least to Criminals!
Yes folks, as our recent post attested, Bread has all sorts of Inherent Dangers to your Health. oOo oOo Just witness the results of this criminal action in Scotland not long ago-- YoOo Will Be AstoOounded! oOo oOo
The Scotsman - Scotland - Brave shopkeeper thwarts gunman with volley of bread rolls
The robber broke into the shop in Mayfield, Midlothian, early on Sunday morning, just after the 50-year-old shopkeeper took delivery of a lorry load of bread.
The gunman pulled up the shop’s shutters and smashed a glass panel to force his way in. The shopkeeper was standing alone in the premises, surrounded by stacks of plastic bakers’ crates and bundles of newspapers.
"I was standing in the middle of the shop between dozens of bread crates full of rolls."I didn’t want to give him another chance to point the gun at me, and so I started throwing . . ."
The shopkeeper added: "I lost a few dozen rolls, but I am glad it was nothing more serious."oOo oOo This reminds me of a Great restaurant in Missouri, USA-- you better try it out, but DUCK when they start throwing the rolls!
oOo oOo Follow-up: Police in Scotland are appealing for witnesses to the robbery, partly because they are sorely missing their morning shipment of crumpets and doughnuts.
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