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Friday, March 03, 2006

Biggest American Retailer FORCED to sell what the State Dictates

Wal-Mart pharmacies to carry morning-after pill

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said on Friday that all of its pharmacies would carry morning-after contraceptive pills, bowing to pressure from states seeking to force the world's biggest retailer to do so.
Can You Believe this is now the United States?! I would have thought China right after Tiennenman Square, or maybe Hitler or the Taliban.

OK -- Big Brother has actually arrived-- and now HAS THE RIGHT TO PUSH AROUND any business that doesn't "voluntarily" sell WHAT BIG BROTHER WANTS TO BE SOLD! oOo oOo

"We expect more states to require us to sell emergency contraceptives in the months ahead," Ron Chomiuk, vice president of pharmacy for Wal-Mart, said.

No matter if you accept abortion, birth-control or any of the other issues circling around this-- the fact that WalMart is "FORCED" by the government to stock ANYTHING AT ALL is grounds for Revolution like the Boston Tea Party!! oOo oOo

Illinois and Massachusetts
already require Wal-Mart to sell the morning-after pill, which must be taken within 72 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy. Pressure to introduce similar mandates is building in Connecticut and New York.

oOo oOo So let me get this straight-- you have up to 72 hours to take this. That's what...THREE DAYS?!? So you don't have to run out at 3 am that very day to get this crap-- and I'm sure that another druggist around town or in the nearest neighboring State will be open within 3 days where you CAN get this crap.

oOo oOo This issue has *totally no basis in fact!* oOo oOo

And here's the "Party-Line":

"The sooner emergency contraception is taken, the better it works. In many communities, Wal-Mart is the only pharmacy, so timely access is critical," said Planned Parenthood Federation of America president Cecile Richards said in a separate statement.

oOo oOo I respectfully submit that because Ms. Richards' birth-progenitors must *not* have had such timely access, we now have to endure such distorted, self-serving and patently offensive illogic. We certainly value "anyone's personal choices" *much more* than the free rights of business owners to even make their own (legal and ethical) decisions!




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