How Not to Do Drugs
It happened again this morning. On the way to work. oOo
We were noticing the great fall colors of the leaves turning in the the trees. "See how they turn first in the lower areas, then not until later in the trees further up the hills..." (I'm thinking about the varying sugar-levels in the leaves that make them change in different colors depending on the type of tree, etc.)
She: Uh-huh, pretty. Uggghh. . ." oOo oOo
Me (driving): "Look at that small truck up there. I bet it's one of those Wells Fargo trucks, or those bank data-delivery services. She: "Uggghh." "Did you know those armored trucks have little holes on the sides so they can poke out guns if they need to? Kind of like the old wagons in the Wild West. Crazy." "Huh --Ugghh?"
oOo oOo See, my wife is getting out of the fog of a deep cold and sore throat. oOo I'm doing a little better than a week ago. oOo
Me: "See the small back window and those side panels? It's an odd shape, sort of a pickup with a fabricated canopy built over it." She: "Uhhh . . uggghh" I want to get a look at the name on the side when he turns. OK, I was wrong , it's the power company. "It looks like it pops open on top and all sides, like a Transformer! All their tools and elctircal repair gadgets just pop out..." (of course throwing open my hands to illustrate). oOo oOo
She again: "Ugghhh."
"What a nice peaceful fountain," as we turn into Mickey D's for a breakfast bite, "and some driftwood too." We exit the drive-through past the fountain and little "pond" - and I see pumpkins laid there in bunches.
oOo oOo Then it happens. The Eye-Opener moment. oOo oOo
She speaks! "First it's 'Did you know those armored cars have little portholes for guns?' Then: 'Do pumpkins float??' Did you take some crack this morning?!" oOo oOo
We burst out laughing, over and over. Me in my hyena - somewhat still nasal - high-pitched falsetto; my wife with more of a rugged chortle. (You remember, she is recovering from the congestion). Too funny for words. Almost crying. oOo oOo
oOo oOo We make a funny pair. I jump from one thing to another, rapid motion, taking note and taking stock of the passing stimuli -- My wife is barely gaining steady morning ground as her mind wakes up to face the day.
This is the best way How Not to Do Drugs. We don't need them! =8^p
We find and recognize the real pleasures in life. We can still have the goofiest, fun moments, even after [so many] married years together. oOo
oOo Getting "High on Life" they say - more like getting enjoyment from the small quirky moments of any given day, time, or season. oOo
oOo And there are many good and bad "seasons" we go through. oOo oOo
Being free to laugh at our foibles and persevere, not seek escape through artificial means. Thank you Lord! [ end sermon ]
oOo oOo For once I was able to write this down in time. I usually can't type fast enough or remember the fleeting moments well enough to write them down. Surely couldn't do it in a measley 140 characters. . . oOo oOo
This is why I really need Blurbser! - but more on that later.