oOo (Bringing yOu)
oOo (RaNdOm) (BuBbLes) of (GoOodNess)
oOo oOo (WeirdNess) oOo
oOo (TruthNess) oOo
(NewSNess) oOo
oOo oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo

Sunday, January 20, 2008
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
Thursday, January 10, 2008
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
oOo oOo
oOo oOo oOo oOo
oOo oOo
(WeirdNess) oOo oOo
oOo (a little FoOoLishNess) oOo oOo < >< oOo oOo
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Some Good out of Georgia
This is a follow up to my post about Good and Evil and the bad in the news. I heard (on the TV news) the other day of the response of family and friends to what is now a "recovery" effort for the missing girl in Georgia, lost (attacked, abducted) while hiking.
Part of what *they specifically wanted to say* to the media was: in spite of the outcome, and in the midst of this kind of evil, they wanted to recognize the way that people around them - the community, the media too - have drawn together in love, showing respect and support.
oOo And that when evil things like this happen, this outpouring of concern and help shows once again how there is still more Good than Evil in the world! oOo
"It shows once again there is still more Good than Evil in the world!" Astounding! This I Believe. This is bedrock, and it shows me that although the "bad news" happens, and we should know about it, the reporting of it can initiate a good response.
And I think this is what I was missing earlier. oOo oOo
It's like the antibodies flooding around a wound or infection. It's like the rallying of the troops to the breech in the wall. It's like the circling of close defenders and friends in a fight, closing ranks, increasing what's positive, responding as a team, launching a counter-offensive.
The hurt, the crime, the evil, the hate, the pain, the true loss - this is the initiation, the catalyst if you will, for all the events, bad and good, that follow. oOo
This is where most news reporting starts and stops. We hear time and again how people with concern and love will reach out to help. News media considers this the "human interest", not the "main event". BUT IT'S NOT NEWS - we already know this about human nature! oOo oOo
What is most often lacking is the ongoing Long Tail of the responses to the evil events. oOo As Paul Harvey used to say, "the Rest of the story." Where it leads, how it continues, where it ends... oOo
This is how God has designed life to be. This is THE STORY of countless books and movies throughout time: the reason we love heros, achievers and miraculous recoveries; Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, and dramas like the million "Law and Order" episodes... oOo
We are intended to be the responding agents of good to continue the fight against evil wherever it breaks out. Not to minimize the wrong and destruction, but to turn it around. oOo
Not to ignore it, not by fooling myself into believing "it's all good" - the rose glasses and "speak no evil, hear no evil" syndrome... oOo
WE NEED more news that gives us the backstory and the long-tail forward-story! oOo That shows us how the good in the world responds to -- and actually increases and far outmatches -- the evil itself. I think that news journalism as it has come to be now, cannot provide this.
oOo "Do not overcome evil with (more) evil, but overcome evil with (overwhelming) Good!" oOo
Mobile post sent by zoooks using Utterz.
Part of what *they specifically wanted to say* to the media was: in spite of the outcome, and in the midst of this kind of evil, they wanted to recognize the way that people around them - the community, the media too - have drawn together in love, showing respect and support.
oOo And that when evil things like this happen, this outpouring of concern and help shows once again how there is still more Good than Evil in the world! oOo
"It shows once again there is still more Good than Evil in the world!" Astounding! This I Believe. This is bedrock, and it shows me that although the "bad news" happens, and we should know about it, the reporting of it can initiate a good response.
And I think this is what I was missing earlier. oOo oOo
It's like the antibodies flooding around a wound or infection. It's like the rallying of the troops to the breech in the wall. It's like the circling of close defenders and friends in a fight, closing ranks, increasing what's positive, responding as a team, launching a counter-offensive.
The hurt, the crime, the evil, the hate, the pain, the true loss - this is the initiation, the catalyst if you will, for all the events, bad and good, that follow. oOo
This is where most news reporting starts and stops. We hear time and again how people with concern and love will reach out to help. News media considers this the "human interest", not the "main event". BUT IT'S NOT NEWS - we already know this about human nature! oOo oOo
What is most often lacking is the ongoing Long Tail of the responses to the evil events. oOo As Paul Harvey used to say, "the Rest of the story." Where it leads, how it continues, where it ends... oOo
This is how God has designed life to be. This is THE STORY of countless books and movies throughout time: the reason we love heros, achievers and miraculous recoveries; Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, and dramas like the million "Law and Order" episodes... oOo
We are intended to be the responding agents of good to continue the fight against evil wherever it breaks out. Not to minimize the wrong and destruction, but to turn it around. oOo
Not to ignore it, not by fooling myself into believing "it's all good" - the rose glasses and "speak no evil, hear no evil" syndrome... oOo
WE NEED more news that gives us the backstory and the long-tail forward-story! oOo That shows us how the good in the world responds to -- and actually increases and far outmatches -- the evil itself. I think that news journalism as it has come to be now, cannot provide this.
oOo "Do not overcome evil with (more) evil, but overcome evil with (overwhelming) Good!" oOo
Mobile post sent by zoooks using Utterz.