GOOD Causes - Bloggers Unite!

This is a great site I discovered this week, while searching for GoOod Things. oOo If you have a blog, no matter how much or little time you put into it, try getting into this initiative!
Their next Event is on 12-17-07: Acts of Kindness oOo oOo oOo
DO an act of kindness — in your work, on the street, for your neighborhood and neighbors, wherever; and then post about it on your blogs, using words, pictures, and/or videos to tell the story. oOo oOo Add a badge to your blog to show your support for the Bloggers Unite movement.
The bloggers unite challenge aims at putting a human face on bloggers who are responsible for so much good in the world. [ well, maybe, but not all that more than any other people. . . oOo ]
The goal is to get active and be a motivator to non-bloggers that volunteering for a charity, donating to a cause, or simply doing something kind for another person has a ripple effect around the world. oOo
: ) ZanyThing GOOD ?! oOo oOo
oOo "Bloggers, Do something good offline" -- this fits right in with my philosophy of connecting the Web to RealLife. oOo

difference. oOo oOo
Check out what they're doing:
December 17th 2007 - Acts of Kindness
The Acts of Kindness theme aims at putting a human face on blogging as a force for Good. The goal is to be part of the largest group of bloggers to ever blog about an important cause, all on the same day. . . "Maybe 20,000 bloggers, vloggers, photographers will make a difference." oOo oOo
September 27th 2007 - Bloggers Against Abuse
Blog about putting an end to some sort of Abuse (you decide what kind of abuse to blog about)
July 18th 2007 - Organ Donor Awareness Campaign
Organ donation because is a gift of life. In Australia, more than 1,700 people are waiting for organ transplants. In Latin America, more than 50,000. In Europe and the United States, more than 170,000. In China, more than 2 million. In Africa, there isn't enough organization to really know. Without an organ transplant, these people will die.
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