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Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Online Personality

These are fun, so I tried another one online here. I can't remember the last Myers-Briggs or other attribute-ranking test I've taken. Most recently it was probably some tests with job-hunting sites -- I think the tests available at Monster are insightful.

oOo The combined efforts of several can give you a greater sense of how you approach and relate to the world and to people. oOo

My post title is actually a little misleading, I don't know if there is a dedicated "Online Personality" test, that might measure or categorize the ways we act on the Web, versus in Real Life. oOo

Hmmm, online fakers and stalker profiling, anyone? oOo

Anyway, here's my results--

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Since I am a professional musician, I guess it's right that my "intelligence" in that area is way up there... oOo But I think that a musical perception of life doesn't just apply to understanding sounds and music. I think it has a lot to do with relating to the world with creative and connected ways, and discerning relationships in life beyond the superficial. Finding a "deeper flow" as it were. oOo oOo

As far as the ENTP thing -- I guess I'm really just all over the map! :p

oOo oOo

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Whammer Spammer gets 30 in Slammer

The cockles of my heart are strangely warmed: oOo Big-time spammer Christopher "Rizler" Smith [ why is it, since Prohibition gangster days, all thugs have Nicknames - like: Bugsy, DJ-CrapSmear, The Punisher, $DolluhDooky$, Minus.05NonCents, etc. ] oOo is now
off to prison for 30 years, convicted primarily on a variety of drug charges. oOo He's a really great guy: During his trial, Smith fled the country and issued a death threat against the children of one of the witnesses for the prosecution. He will be missed. oOo oOo

And just how old is this penis-envy twerp? You ever get those spams for fake-Viagra, penile-warpers, hydrocodone, uppers, downers, toners, poppers, fly-ointments, cheap software knock-offs, or other wonder-pills? You probably got into his or his partners' spidernet. Why would you Fools still be clicking on these spam links?? oOo

As a spammer, Smith reportedly sent over a billion emails through AOL. According to FBI info., his Viagra-like junk ads earned him $18 million in his last year online. oOo

While such takedowns make headlines, they rarely do much to stem the tide of spam. An estimated 90 billion spam messages are sent every day, as of February 2007, comprising up to 85 percent of all email traffic. oOo oOo

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Uplifting secrets of the Gecko

LONDON (AFP) - Scientists have discovered a ground-breaking way of levitating ultra small objects, which may revolutionise the design of micro-machines, a new report says.

Physicists said they can create "incredible levitation effects" by manipulating so-called Casimir force, which normally causes objects to stick together by quantum force.

The phenomenon could be used to improve the performances of everyday devices ranging from car airbags to computer chips, say Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin from Saint Andrews University.

Casimir force -- discovered in 1948 and first measured in 1997 --
can be seen in a gecko's ability to stick to a surface with just one toe. oOo oOo

"At the moment, in practice it is only going to be possible for micro-objects with the current technology, since this quantum force is small and acts only at short ranges," Leonhardt said oOo oOo .

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