Maybe it's Not "Just Talk". . .
The Tongue can be a mighty evil-doer, and get you all twisted up. Andwhat's most often on your tongue gives evidence of what's in your Heart.
- Just Talk: about the loss of (Black) culture. There used to be a dignity and celebration about rising above and beyond oppression, ignorance and hatred.
- Just Talk: about the poisonous speech put out by those Crap cd mongers and popular Posers -- our environment is infected nearly completely with their disease(s).
- Just Talk: about wide-spread "tolerance" [sic] capitulation and participation by cultural wannabees in the lowest forms of gutter-ghetto thought and behavior. So-called White culture (from pre-teen to college-age) has embraced it:
the "Life"-- violence, hate; the "Look"-- slummy 'n slutty, with slimy bling; "hoppin, tripping, cappin" violence to Everyone, not women only; glorifying greed, crime and perversion.
- Just Talk: about how we are so desensitized to anger, mean-spirited joking, demoralizing talk and gestures.
- Just Talk: about the demeaning of (all of our) culture on TV and "drama/movies/plays"-- like in
The Sopranos: those idiot foul-stenched examples of bad mean White people: disgusting vermin of mob and crime gangs.
And now The Black Donnellys (who/whatever "they" are...?) who are not Black and probably not Irish either-- anyway no one would want to claim them...violent, putrid, immature, disgusting low-life specimens.
- Just Talk: about how tolerant we are of sick violence, graphic and hurtful depictions of cruelty, shock and even the threat of pain-- inflicted on us, by us! -- through even mainstream TV shows and countless slasher/shocker/scare-tactic stories and films. [Mr. Stephen King, as a kingpin of your "genre" you are not without blame...]
- Just Talk: about why the entertainment industry thinks we want and/or like to be "provided" with these kinds of stories and characters? OK, it's to appeal to the worst of humanity, and cater to our basest instincts, thank you very much. Mr. Media, take it, here's my money and my soul.
- Just Talk: about our animal-breeding prison system, that great fermentation hole for gross and evil: the gangs: Black, White, Skinhead, Chicano, Whatever ethnic-stripe they're all bad; drugs, rapes, murder and shame of other inmates by equally evil men.
- Let's NOT Just Talk: about anger, apathy, racism, bigotry, intolerance [ or that shoved-down-your-throat "progressive tolerance" of anyone's aberrant behavior either], corruption, immorality, poverty, injustice and hate, etc. >> [ Read the comments to this post, some goodies... ]
- Just Talk: ain't enuff! Real change can only come through the heart > to inform the mind > which can correct our life actions > and finally, to renovate our spirit. oOo oOo
Only God can transform our lives-- andGod Don't Never Make No Junk in the first place!
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