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Monday, November 06, 2006

Hypocrisy, Part 2 - Throwing Stones

oOo Is hypocrisy the #1 sin of our day?
oOo Or is it something else? oOo oOo

Sure, it's bad to be a hypocrite.
Who doesn't know this? Tell me something new, like, what's wrong with what the person is doing / living / believing that it's so wrong to to be hypocritical about?

oOo oOo Hmmm, let's see. There's a long list we could make. . .


Or maybe we make an alphabetical sin-list, so as not to give us a loophole to try to slip out of the noose: a - b - c - d - envy - fornication - greed - hypocrisy. . .

oOo The political activists among us would have us look away from the evil that the hypocrisy covers-up, to shift attention away from the the wrong behind the two-facing. That's the feeble attempt in Colorado with the same-sex/ Rev. Haggard expose'!

So, which is the Greater Sin? None of these. There is no priority ranking of distinction - they all accumulate in our life and actions because sin is built-into the human nature. And that old "natural-born killer" of us all must be eliminated through super-natural action or we will all die.

The real issue is about Throwing Stones, or getting your own life in order. Read in John 8:
"Did no one condemn you? [ does this mean what you were doing was therefore OK? No...]
And Jesus said,"neither do I. Go your way; from now on SIN NO MORE."

Just own up and stop it! Stop it! All of it! Hypocrisy, blame, deceit, adultery, homosexual relations, lust, greed, taking the Lord's name in vain, falsehood, cursing and slander, cheating. . . etc. etc
[have I missed any?] Ad Nauseum infinitum. oOo

And "if you can't" stop what you're doing/ acting/ or "who you are" -- then seek the mercy and grace of God through Christ, who alone can free you.

"Everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.
If therefore the Son [ who also is the Truth!] shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." Jesus said this about himself, John 8:34-36

Either this man Jesus was the biggest hypocrite ever, and thus we all pale by comparison, [ and it would be OK to be a hypocrite if He could get away with it!] oOo
and therefore He was the biggest lying poached-egghead of humanity. . .

OR Jesus
was really telling the truth and he is who he says he is: the only hope we each have of gaining and keeping real life and wholeness. oOo oOo

Go, and sin no more.

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