Wrestler Killer
Atlanta, GA (USA) Wrestler? Killer? Killer Wrestler?? How about Stupid Ass! oOo
All the above, you decide. Apparently, pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and their 7-yr old son over the weekend. Investigation is ongoing.
Double or Triple Murderer -- does his own life count for the "count"? oOo
I don't follow these fools and their entertainment antics, but this incident is incomprehensible. Killing his wife is of course disgusting. There's certainly a story in this, which may come out. But whatever his condition, problems, personal state, steroid abuse, etc. -- the senseless snuffing out of the life of his child is dispicable.
The marriage may have been a factor, but it looks like self-induced Roid Rage might be involved. Who knows, but God at this point? Great performance, Chris. I guess you're pumped-up now. oOo oOo
** Stupid Ass Killer! Good legacy to wrap it all up with -- this is what you'll be remembered for. oOo Another life of promise horribly cut short in his son.
Some last thoughts--
oOo Another Headline Story ripped from TV's Law and Order! (A story over a month ago featured murders influenced by Roid Rage. They stay on top of their game.)
Wrestling fans: Good Youth Role Model here. . . oOo Someone age 7 - teen care to advance their "career" to this high level?
Look for it: soon reports of Roid Road Rage will be surfacing across America. . . oOo
And what about Fame & Fortune-- Greed and Good Looks all gone now. . . oOo
All of which still don't satisfy or take care of a person's deepest disorders and the death of their soul. oOo
Thanks for hastening the end of 3 lives, Chris. Satan needed you on his tag-team. oOo